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Electr. Swivel drive
Weight (g)
16 500
The actuators NE with PCU-board can be used as an efficient 90 ° electric actuator for the actuation of butterfly valves and ball valves in positioning operation. The analog input signal 4 ... 20mA is converted proportionally into a motor position for the actuator. In addition, an active analog position signal 4 ... 20mA is output. On request, analogue input signals from 2 ... 10V as well as 1 ... 5V are also possible.
Applicable function
- AutoScan: Automatically memorized each OPEN/CLOSE position by the signal of the potentiometer PIU.
- Fail CLOSE: Drives to CLOSE-position if there is no certain input signal.
- Fail OPEN: Drives to OPEN-position if there is no certain input signal.