Home Brands Brands C

Brands C

C&S Electric C-FILTER FILTRY Cabur CAFFINI CIPRIANO S.R.L. CAG Caldaro Calpeda pumps CAMLogic Cantalupi Cantoni Motor Caproni Pump Captron CAREL Cariboni (brand of Alstom) Carl Rehfuss Carlyle Compressor (brand of United Technologies Corporation) Carpanelli Carrier Corporation Casali Pump CAT PUMPS CATU CBF HYDRAULIC CBF Motors CBN / C.B.N. CD AUTOMATION CDC Elettromeccanica Italy CEAG (Brand of Eaton) Cebora Ceccato Compressors CEG Electric Motors (Brand of Orange1 Holding) Cejn Celesco (Brand of TE Connectivity) Celsa Messgeräte CEMA CEMB Ceme S.p.A. CEMP CERTUSS Dampfautomaten CEWE INSTRUMENT CGS Instrument Transformers (Brand of Alfa Standard Group) Chalmit (brand of Hubbell) CHAYSOL Chemitec Chen Ying CHIARAVALLI Chierici Tito CHINT ChipBLASTER / ChipCHILLER / MistBLASTER / SkimBLASTER / CbCYCLONE CIB Unigas CIESSE CIMBRIA CIMM Cla-Val (Automatic Control Valves) CLECO Clippard Minimatic CML (Camel Precision) CMP Products CNCPros / Fadal CODELINE (brand of Pentair) Coel Motori COELBO Cofi Cognex COHLINE Cole-Parmer Collamat Collins Swirlklean COLMANT CUVELIER Comar Condensatori COMAT / Comat Releco COMATROL Comelit Trasformatori Comepi COMER INDUSTRIES COMEX EUROPE CominTec COMITRONIC-BTI Commonwealth Compomac Concomatic Conductix-Wampfler Conflow CONFORTI OLEODINAMICA Contelec Contessi Conti-Elektron Continental Industrie CONTRAVES Contrinex CONTROLLI Coperion / K-Tron Coremo Ocmea Cosel COSMOTEC (Brand of Stulz) Costech COTHERM COVAL VakuumTechnik CPC - Colder Products CPU CREI STT Elettronica CRESSTO Crevis CROSS+MORSE Crouzet Crowcon (Brand of Halma ) CRYOVAC (brand of Sealed Air) CS Instruments CSF Inox Pumps CTC Culligan CYBELEC CYKLOP Cynergy3